Grant Information
See table below for categories
If you live in Ross-shire then your Club can apply for Membership of the Sports Council. The benefits of up to £750 of funding are well worth the £25 Annual membership fee.
Individuals who are resident in Ross-shire can apply for funding for Coaching, Excellence and Travel provided they are members of a Sport Club which has its base in the Highland Area. However any application for a grant must be submitted by their member club.
For more information on the various Grant Categories see table below.
To download a Grant Application form please go to the document library
This form should be completed in WORD FORMAT and emailed along with the following documents which should be if possible scanned in PFD format:-
A copy of your Constitution - If this has been changed in the last year.
A copy of your Annual Accounts - Only once a year.
A recent Bank Statement.
For Equipment Grants - Two estimates are required.
For Excellence grants - An appropriate selection letter or email, from either the relevant National Governing Body, or the Squad Coach, to verify that they have been selected for the event/training, or that it is a Recognised Development Pathway event for Squad or Team selection and an Athlete Template with dates of events/training sessions. See Document Libary for an Athlete Template.
For the Travel Fund - An appropriate selection letter or email from either the relevant National Governing Body or the Squad Coach to verify that they have selected for an International or National event/training
Limits for Travel are 25p/mile, Accommodation £35 /night and for Subsistence £10 /day.
The Trust Fund - See table below for applications for this fund.
The Grant application form along with the relevant documentation should be emailed to the Sports Council at :- otherwise the Grant will be deferred until this has been received.
All grant applications must be received a minimum of one week before a Sports Council Executive Committee meeting and in all cases prior to the date of the event or purchase of equipment. (see either Home page or Meeting Dates for the dates.
Please note that all grant applications must be made in advance of any event claimed for. We cannot support retrospective applications.
Grant Categories :
Start-Up |
£200 |
For newly formed clubs joining the sports council for stationary/equipment/promotion etc. |
Sports Development |
£500 |
To assist in providing resources to attract individuals to the club, to take part in or promote sport. |
Achieving Excellence |
£350 |
For individuals invited to join squads /teams with the following limits: Regional £250 , National / International £350. |
Equipment |
£500 |
For the purchase of equipment for the club - not for personal items such as clothing. |
Coaching |
£250 |
For individuals attending coaching courses to obtain national governing body coaching / referee certificates or other appropriate qualifications. |
Discretionary |
£500 |
To promote sport in the widest sense of the word, generally by sponsoring events which would otherwise suffer through a lack of funding. |
Trust Fund | To support exceptionally talented athletes to develop their skills in their particular sport. All athletes must submit a Development Plan with their application | |
Travel Fund |
£200 |
To assist talented athletes attending International and National events. Applications must be made through the member Club |
Any queries regarding grants should be emailed to
Remember the Ross & Cromarty Sports Council is here to help your club.